Cause of anaemia can be detected even with simple CBC test : Dr. Sudhir Mehta
*Haematology conference successfully organised*
Bikaner. Simple complete blood count, (CBC) can detect anaemia and its causes by reading graphs along with numerical values given in CBC report. This simple test is available at all PHC, CHC & district hospitals. By this simple CBC, a physician can detect anaemia and its causes and can treat it at peripheral centres.This was said by Dr Sudhir Mehta, senior professor SMS Hospital Jaipur.
Conference was inaugurated by Principal and controller, SPMC Bikaenr Dr Gunjan Soni and Dr Dhanpat Kochar senior physician, retired HOD, Department of medicine
Organising secretary, Dr Parmendra sirohi gave a lecture about the signs and symptoms and treatment of hypercoagulable states. Dr Prakash Singh told about the increased eosinophil count and its treatment. Dr Pankaj tantia gave his lecture on symptoms of excessively increased haemoglobin and platelets & its treatment.
Dr Rahul Bhargava gave lecture on anaemia due to nutritional causes and its treatment. He emphasised that in every patient of decreased haemoglobin and decreased platelet count, blood product transfusion is not required rather it can be treated by simple oral treatment.
Dr G.S. tanwar gave his lecture about damage of RBCS due to antibodies (haemolytic anaemia) and its treatment. Dr.Sonam alha described about the blood transfusion procedure and its important precautions to prevent blood transfusion reaction.
Dr. BK Gupta and Dr Vishnu Sharma gave lecture on signs, symptoms & treatment of haemophilia disease. Dr. Ayushi Srivastava told about why the spleen size is increased in some patients and how it affects our body
About 250 delegates participated in this event specially Dr. S.N. Harsh Vice President IMA, Dr M.Sabir ex-president Indian chest society, Dr. Dhanpat kochar founding secretary of tropical neurologist society.
All delegates participated in the event with great enthusiasm and congratulated the organising committee for successful organisation of the event.
In the end organising chairman, Dr Sanjay kochar gave thanks to all the speakers and delegates.